Valerie Milner Graham (Day 2)

Valerie Milner Graham

About the Artist

Valerie Milner Graham is an American artist who grew up in New York. A life that began in NYC subsequently took her to the Northwest, the Southwest, and the Deep South of the United States, as well as to Mexico and South America. What emerges in her art are her explorations into the natural world at large in each of these diverse geographical locations, infused with their respective cultural and historical artifacts, mythic symbols, and color palettes. Her artwork spans different media and often combines them. Valerie has a passion for printmaking, including etchings, monoprints, and the layering mixed media. She also paints in oil and watercolor. The threads of nature and of Valerie's abiding love and respect for the many forms of art of many cultures are woven through her complex and soulful bodies of work and have remained its powerful themes throughout the years. The resulting art reflect an impetuous spirit while exuding the calm and grace of visual harmony and balance.

How to Purchase

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About this Event

Alley Cat Studio will be open to the public sharing current works of art by Valerie Milner Graham. The Exhibit will include Oil Paintings, Watercolors and all forms of Printmaking. Located on Perry Alley and Franklin Street in the historic downtown bordering the Warehouse Art District, there will be much art to be enjoyed!

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Other 2024 OST Events from this Artist

About the Studio

City of Tucson Ward: Ward 1
Pima County District: District 1

About the Art

About the Process

Printmaking and Painting offer many avenues to pursue artworks inspired by Tucson, the greater SW and places traveled to from my home/studio in downtown. Inspiration is derived from the natural world and its complex interconnection of cultures, landscapes, habitats, and soulful manifestations. My printing press, solar plates, paints, inks, and collections of engaging elements are evident in my current creations. Process is interpreted in sharing with other artists in workshops both local and afar. Mentors assist in learning new disciplines. Other artists sharing approaches and handling of tools and new innovative techniques broaden the scope and breadth of my bodies of artworks.

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