Teresa Ferronato (Day 3)

Teresa Ferronato
Primary Medium: Painting | Pintura

About the Artist

Teresa is an accomplished oil painter with more than 10 years of dedicated practice as a painter of faces. She is largely self-taught, with her learning supported by workshops, local classes, and mentors. Coming to art in her later years, she brings to her creations her love of the beauty she finds in all beings. She has developed her ability to portray the human experience through this alchemical lens. Her work resonates with viewers, as her interpretation of a face imbues it with a sensitivity that tells a story beyond the "story," and brings up emotions that are rich in compassion, love and a sense of deep worth. She has only recently decided to go public with her work, as she believes every story that transcends the mundane deserves to be told. Her work does indeed have a powerful message.
  • ferronato-art.com

How to Purchase

My paintings can be purchased through Toscana Studio & Gallery during the Open Studio event, or through my website.

About this Event

Toscana is a visual feast, with varied and beautiful artwork by many local artists. It is a testament to the talent that abounds in Southern Arizona and the greater Tucson Area. The 5 artists participating in The Open Studio Tour at Toscana Studio & Gallery feel everyone should have a piece of original art, and towards this end, they will be having three drawings a day to win a free painting (studies or small pieces preselected by the artist) from one of the 5 artists’ participating in this Open Studio Tour. Drawings will be at 11:00 am, 1:30pm, and 3:30pm, on both Saturday and Sunday. You must be present to win. Refreshments and drinks will be provided, and we look forward to chatting with you about our art and processes as well as your artistic journey. An easel will be set up for a “community painting,” so come dip a brush in oil paint, and contribute your uniqueness to the face that will emerge on the canvas. We look forward to seeing you in the studio!

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Other 2024 OST Events from this Artist

About the Studio

City of Tucson Ward: Ward 1
Pima County District: District 1

About the Art

About the Process

Oil paints are my favorite medium, and the tools I use are varied. Brushes are the norm, but at times it's fun to mess a painting up a bit with scrapers and tools. At other times heavy applications of paint with palette knives does the best job. Oil paint is an amazing medium, allowing for sculpting, washes, transparency, and opacity. All can be employed to create the desired effect. I enjoy painting from life, but admit that working from a photograph is my preference. My workspace needs are few...photocopies, adequate lighting, fresh air, and room to pace between the easel and a distant spot from to view progress. The only essential needed for creating these paintings is the desire to create. My current body of work started after seeing Tom Gilleon's beautiful art work and being introduced to the amazing work of Edward S. Curtis, who photographed as many Native American tribes as he could in order to record their way of life. Every face told a poignant story, and while that story remains heartbreaking, I felt to portray these beautiful individuals in the light of the story beyond the "story." As images of strength and enduring beauty.

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