Introducing our Color Palette of the Month artist, Geneva Foster Gluck!!
Artwork Title: “Inheriting the Void”
Year: 2024
Dementia blob prop-object (fabric, plastic tablecloth, VHS tape, LCD screens, MRI imaging, performance for video with bear head prop-object from an earlier work), her mother’s crystal collection, sea salt, rope, mirror, mountain flats from near where Foster Gluck was born, and video-still prints in lens frames.
Inheriting the Void is a new performance, installation, and sound collaboration based on the last three years of caring for my mother and her rapid onset of dementia. I use different modes of creation to explore the connections between dementia, depression, and our climate crisis. This work will develop further at Northern Sustainable Futures 2024 Artist Residency in Moskosel, Sweden. On display at Pidgin Palace, Tucson AZ from May 4-25th.

Meet Geneva Foster Gluck, a multidisciplinary artist based in Tucson.
Her practice draws from the overlapping features of performance, creative research, and material storytelling to explore a range of topics and experiences,often grounded in decolonizing, feminist, and ecological approaches.

Geneva initiates new projects by crafting objects that function somewhere between theatrical props and tools for knowledge-sharing.
These objects then accompany live performances, installations, and video presentations.

My color palettes usually represent the materials that I’m working with. For example I love using VHS tape, it is an easily found used-material and the fact that it holds magnetic information is just so cool. I have used VHS tape to represent black holes, deep space, decomposing materials, dementia, and the fur of dinosaurs.
Geneva on her process of choosing color palettes