Diane Clement
Category: Artist/Individual
Program Affiliations: Open Studio Tours Artist

I have been drawing and painting since the age of two. Having grown up in Georgia, I spent a lot of time outdoors observing nature and the beauty of even the smallest things and their often-unexpected relationship to each other.
I am obsessed with painting the understated, often ignored or taken for granted, every day, background pieces of nature, and life, with vivid colors and energetically thrown paint and self-developed techniques.
I work to visually develop these observations in an abstracted way, frequently presenting the everything of everyday of life and nature, in juxtaposition. I work almost exclusively outdoors with Mother Nature incorporating all that she brings to the experience.
My goal through expressionism, which can seem visually confusing, is to connect with the viewer on a visceral level. It is exciting when someone recognizes or feels the energy of the painting and connects with the image.
I have been blessed to have been in over 30 juried shows, to have over 300 solo exhibitions, numerous print and online articles, and art, and art collectors worldwide.

48″x 36″ acrylics on canvas