Red Herring Puppets
Category: Collective/Ensemble
Discipline: Theatre / Performance
Program Affiliations: Arts Foundation Grantees
The Barking Mouse wittily champions the value of learning a second language. The Blue Frog is the Mayan version of the Legend of Chocolate
El Raton que Ladra defiende con humor el valor de aprender un segundo idioma.La Rana Azul es la versión Maya de la Leyenda del Chocolate
This bilingual production features original music by Diana Olivares and Salma Diaz from Las Azaleas and design elements by Ignacio Garcia, Isabel Wadleigh and Lisa Sturz. Puppeteers are Lisa Sturz and Maria Hays.
Red Herring Puppets have created a delightful rhymed version of the classic folktale with original music and lively hand and rod puppets. An “ugly duckling” overcomes ridicule and loneliness. His inner strength and determination are encouraged by an old woman, a cat, and a hen who help discover that he is actually a swan. He reunites with his family and finds the place where he belongs.