The International Sonoran Desert Alliance
Category: 501(c) 3 Organization
Discipline: Community arts

The International Sonoran Desert Alliance (ISDA) is an alliance of peoples from three Nations: the Tohono O’odham Nation, Mexico and the United States. We are committed to fostering communication, understanding and cooperation among the richly diverse cultures in our region. Our intention is to preserve and enrich heritage in a way that transcends borders and boundaries. This work manifests in suport for a series of creative placemaking/placekeeping developments, festivals, community arts engagements, performances, public art, and folk art. We are excited to work with regional, national, and international artists with a focus on Indigenous and Latinx artists.
Every year around September 21st, the International Sonoran Desert Alliance, in collaboration with the local school, businesses, civic organizations, and partners in Mexico and on the Tohono O’odham nation, holds its annual International Day of Peace celebration in Ajo, AZ. The United Nations General Assembly in 1981 passed resolution 36/67 declaring an International Day of Peace; in 2001 it declared September 21 of each year the official date for international celebration and observation.
Ajo, AZ is uniquely situated. It is at the intersection of three nations, located about 40 miles from the Mexican border and next door to the Tohono O’odham Nation. International Day of Peace in Ajo has always been completely non-political by design. It is quite simply an opportunity to intentionally gather the peoples of the Sonoran Desert together in a spirit of friendship and respect. Every year we gather in a fun, celebratory way that highlights respect for the rich diversity of the region and the world at-large.

Artists spark a creative community that brings people together, attracts visitors and stimulates the local economy. The Sonoran Desert, and Ajo particularly, represent a convergence and critical mass of creatives. This convergence manifests in all sorts of artistic expression. One area where ISDA supports the creation of public art is by supporting the creation of individual and collective works of public art in the heart of the Sonoran Desert.