The Rogue Theatre

The Rogue Theatre is animated by the belief that great plays and works of literature have enduring value, promote social discourse, and illuminate contemporary ethical, personal, and social issues.
About The Rogue Theatre

Since 2005, The Rogue Theatre has been animated by the belief that great plays and works of literature have enduring value, promote social discourse, and illuminate contemporary ethical, personal, and social issues. Our mainstage season and play-reading series include works by diverse authors, from ancient to modern, that engage our audiences in thoughtful discussion of relevant ideas. We have gathered a group of Tucson-based artists dedicated to producing these works, affording local actors, musicians, choreographers, visual artists, and crafts people opportunities for employment. Before each production, we present a free lecture (in person and on video) with a scholar or theater artist. These lectures are accompanied by essays that explore the themes of the plays, their authors, and the work’s historical context. We provide further education of our audience through nightly post-show discussions. Since 2016, supporters of The Rogue have donated sponsorships for students to attend plays at a reduced cost. Our supporters are enthusiastic about bringing young people into the theater, and the students are excited to see our plays—in many cases, their first exposure to live theater.

Cynthia Meier
Preferred Pronouns: she/her
Trailer for The Rogue Theatre's original adaptation of Ursula K. Le Guin's THE LEFT HAND OF DARKNESS
The Left Hand of Darkness

A compilation of scenes and images from The Rogue Theatre’s original adaptation and staging of Ursula K. Le Guin’s THE LEFT HAND OF DARKNESS in November 2023. The production was directed by Matt Bowdren and featured Kevin Aoussou and Matt Walley. Original music by Russell Ronnebaum. Christopher Johnson created the compilation from a film by Tim O’Grady.

Trailer of the 2024 Rogue Theatre production of Shakespeare's LOVE'S LABOR'S LOST
Love's Labor's Lost

A compilation of scenes and images from The Rogue Theatre’s staging of Shakespeare’s LOVE’S LABOR’S LOST in April 2024. The production was directed by Joseph McGrath and featured the Rogue resident ensemble of actors. Original music by Russell Ronnebaum. Christopher Johnson created the compilation from video footage during dress rehearsals.

Trailer of the 2024 Rogue Theatre production of Dylan Thomas' UNDER MILK WOOD
Under Milk Wood
A compilation of scenes and images from The Rogue Theatre's staging of Dylan Thomas' UNDER MILK WOOD in January 2024. The production was directed by Christopher Johnson and featured the Rogue resident ensemble of actors. Original music by Russell Ronnebaum. Christopher Johnson created the compilation from video footage during dress rehearsals.
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