
The theme for the artwork responds to the Santa Cruz River and its neighboring barrios. An excerpt from the narrative states, "The Santa Cruz was the River of Life to the people who first lived in the Tucson valley some ten thousand years ago. Prior to 1787, the Santa Cruz was called the Rio Santa Maria de Soamaca. El Rio Santa Cruz Holy Cross River myth and folklore and old-time memory vividly recall the Santa Cruz River being a generously flowing stream providing a summer water festival for kids ¦until the 1940s. Bienvenida de los Yoemes a la Cristiandad 1553 primer contactor con los espanoles. Ademas de los nativos Americanos Anglos ajaones chinos y mexicanos cultivaron el Santa Cruz."

Artista(s): Susan Gamble (Santa Theresa Tile Works)

Susan Gamble (Santa Theresa Tile Works), Sin título, 1992.

Contando una narración de eventos históricos en los cuatro barrios cercanos y su relación con el río Santa Cruz, la artista Susan Gamble de Santa Theresa Tile Works creó mosaicos de coloridos mosaicos entre arcos y pilares de cemento.
Dirección: Santa Cruz River Park (502 N Riverside Dr.) al oeste del río Santa Cruz entre Saint Mary y #039;s Rd. y Speedway Blvd.

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