vera puertas

vera puertas
Medio primario: Pintura | Pintura

Sobre el artista

Vera Gates is a contemporary Artist working in the mediums of oil, wax and found objects. Her current work explores themes of transformation, through symbolic abstraction. Her iconography includes wings and words, architectural forms, full moons and branching trees. Her work includes paintings, drawings and assemblage/sculpture. Vera lives in the Iron Horse neighborhood of Tucson, Arizona, where she maintains a working art studio and gallery. She summers in northern Vermont, her ancestral home. There she works out of an old boathouse, by the side of an ancient lake and under the watchful eye of Eagles. Vera graduated from Cal Poly, San Luis Obispo, with a degree in Environmental Design. She worked in the field of Landscape Architecture and Design, for over thirty years and was a founding partner of Arterra Landscape Architects, in San Francisco, California. She is currently an adjunct lecturer, teaching design, at the University of Arizona, in the Landscape Architecture Department. Vera is the current president of PaperWorks, the Sonoran Collective for Paper and Book Arts.

Como comprar

Work is available for purchase, throughout the weekend Credit Cards & cash

Rango de precios

$1001+, $151 - $500, $501 - $1000

Acerca de este Tour

Friday night will be a gallery show and party, with refreshments
Saturday & Sunday are casual studio tour days. We are available to discuss works and answer questions.
come on by!

¡Agregue este evento a su lista de favoritos para ayudarlo a planificar su Open Studio Tour! Obtenga detalles aquí o ver tu lista guardada.

Todos los eventos de este artista

Acerca del estudio

Ninth Street Studio
729 E 9th St, Tucson, AZ 85719, USA

Ver todos los eventos en este estudio.


Sobre el arte

Sobre el Proceso

My process begins with poetry and music. To be creative, I need to sink into a deep and quiet place and these two forms of art take me there. Once inspired, I set to work, going in whatever direction is the most interesting to me in that moment. There are times I have to more seriously focus on finishing work but that is not in the beginning. I have at least two paintings going at any one time, for both practical and creative reasons. It takes the paint time for the to dry and if I don't give it that resting time, it turns to mud. And I need time to percolate and sift through ideas. I like to move in and out of the work. Pausing to reflect and see what is working, where it wants to go and what it wants to be. The assemblage and sculpture work is newer to me and a good companion to the painting. This work tends to be much more willfull and playful. It challenges a different part of my brain and requires more engineering and structural considerations. It requires a different skill set and the learning of new materials, which is really fun. It's a nice contrast to the more serious nature of my paintings. I find that after sculpting, I paint better and after painting, I am ready to play with materials and sculpt something. It's a symbiotic relationship and quite fun.

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