Sylvia Turner (Day 2)

Silvia Turner
Medio primario: Pintura | Pintura

Sobre el artista

I have been an Arizona resident since 1979. I have fallen in love with the open, bright spaces and the abundant flowers and wildlife. I also love artifacts of other cultures, old "things" and traveling. Before moving here, I attended the U of Michigan and the U of the Americas in Puebla, Mexico. I taught for the first 10 years for Cochise College and have taught privately and in workshops for the last 20 years. I am currently represented by the Endeavor Gallery in Benson, Arizona.

Como comprar

cash, check

Rango de precios

$1-$150, $151 - $500

Acerca de este evento

At this event, a group of artists are joining forces to display our work in a single gallery. The historic old San Pedro Chapel, in the Old Fort Lowell Neighborhood, has been known for decades as an area for artists and creativity. Visitors will be treated to view and purchase works of Fine Art by at least 10 local artists. Each artist will have ample space to show a collection of our works, not just one or two pieces from each artist. On Saturday, music will be provided by The Tune Monkeys, a fine local acoustic trio. The historic chapel and surrounding grounds are a pleasing place to visit as well, with parking on the grounds.

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Otros eventos OST 2024 de este artista

Acerca del estudio

Distrito de la ciudad de Tucson: Distrito 2
Distrito del condado de Pima: Distrito 1

Sobre el arte

Sobre el Proceso

I taught for years and learned to use every medium. I choose the medium according to the subject of the painting. Traditional still lifes are always oils, Native American subjects are done with natural pigments that I grind myself.

Explorar estudios cercanos

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Makoto Takigawa (Día 1)

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Elisabeth Geel (Día 1)

Joslyn Culver (J. Elise Art) (Day 1)

Joslyn Culver (J. Elise Art) (Día 1)

Dee Taube (Day 1)

Dee Taube (Día 1)
