Steinfeld Gallery & Studios (Day 3)

Galería y estudios Steinfeld

Sobre el artista

Steinfeld Gallery & Studios is located in the historic Steinfeld Warehouse in Tucson's Warehouse Arts District. It houses 2 gallery spaces, Steinfeld Gallery and a smaller gallery space, SIDETRACK, and 17 artist studios. Many of the artists will have their studios open for the Open Studio Tour and current exhibitions will be up in the Steinfeld Gallery and SIDETRACK. The space is unique and inviting and you can feel the creative energy.

Como comprar

All artists will handle their own sales.

Rango de precios

$1-$150, $151 - $500

Acerca de este evento

Steinfeld Artists will have their studios open, so you can go in and see their work and displays of art on their walls. In addition, the main gallery, Steinfeld Gallery, will be open with the local artists who have an exhibition up all November entitled, ‘The Unexpected.’ Local artist Athena Apodaca will have her ‘studio’ set up in SIDETRACK.

¡Agregue este evento a su lista de favoritos para ayudarlo a planificar su Open Studio Tour! Obtenga detalles aquí o ver tu lista guardada.

Otros eventos OST 2024 de este artista

Acerca del estudio

Distrito de la ciudad de Tucson: pabellón 1
Distrito del condado de Pima: Distrito 5

Sobre el arte

Sobre el Proceso

We have a variety of creative mediums utilized by the artists at Steinfeld Warehouse - photography, encaustic, jewelry, painting, drawing.

Explorar estudios cercanos

Guadalupe De La Torre (Day 1)

Guadalupe De La Torre (Día 1)

Sonoran Glass School (Day 1)

Escuela de Vidrio de Sonora (Día 1)

Genevieve Guadalupe (Day 1)

Genevieve Guadalupe (Día 1)

Valerie Milner Graham (Day 1)

Valerie Milner Graham (Día 1)
