Holly Minniti (Day 3)

Acebo Minniti
Ella, ella
Medio primario: Joyería |Joyería
Wallhangings, shadow-boxes and objects created with found objects

Sobre el artista

During walks, hikes and general exploration of our amazing world, I've always filled my pockets with rocks and such. About ten years ago, I started incorporating these items into wearable art. In addition to jewelry making, I am now using some of my larger found objects for wall hangings and shadow boxes. As a newer transplant to Tucson, I constantly see inspiration and wonder in our desert landscape. I try to instill the same in my pieces. To keep my creative juices going, I make sure there is plenty of time for play and whimsy in my work (fun with papier-maché for example), as well as seeking out challenges to further my artistic journey (a recent exploration of watercolor). My years may be getting up there, but I still maintain a childlike curiosity. I think this shows in my work.

Como comprar

Will be able to accept cash, cash payment (Zelle), or credit card (Square)

Rango de precios


Acerca de este evento

In my studio I will be showcasing the process for making my one of a kind jewelry: from the selection of found materials, creation of a pendant, and finally marrying these objects with complimentary & natural elements to form the final necklace. I look forward to answering any questions and/or demonstrating my jewelry making skills.

Visitors to my studio will also get to see shadow boxes, papier-maché or paintings in process. While supplies last – there will be a hands on craft project for making a Christmas tree ornament that can be taken home in time for the holidays. This open studio will also provide an opportunity for the public to purchase unique, one-of-a-kind items. My studio will especially appeal to fellow rockhounds (you know who you are 😉 but everyone can be prepared for an informative, fun and hands-on experience. I look forward to meeting you!

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Otros eventos OST 2024 de este artista

Acerca del estudio

Distrito del condado de Pima: Distrito 1

Sobre el arte

Sobre el Proceso

Since I was a kid, I have pretty much always collected rocks. And over the years it evolved into picking up anything that caught my fancy. It was my husband that finally pressed me into doing something with these objects. Before moving here in 2020, I started coming to Tucson years before - to visit the Gem & Mineral Show with friends from Green Valley. I'm a self taught (thank you youTube!) jewelry maker. I absorb the endless supply of wonder, enchantment, and inspiration the desert has to offer. Curiosity enables me to try other things to keep my creative juices flowing and to pique my interest. My home studio is filled with paper, rocks, beads, inspirational sayings, photographs, etc. It's a fun place - as the sign on the door says, "Play Room". As a recovering perfectionist, handing myself over to whit and whimsy doesn't always come naturally, but having accepted that it's a process, I continue on this path without (as much) self judgement. Being a creative is what I am!

Explorar estudios cercanos

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Mariah Clearwater (Día 1)

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Galería Southern Arizona Arts Guild (tenemos 110 artistas locales en la galería y 385 miembros) (Día 1)

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Dinah Jasensky (Día 1)

Barbara Grygutis Sculpture (Day 1)

Escultura de Barbara Grygutis (Día 1)
