
Cocoon is an engaging illuminated sculpture that expresses a sense of rebirth and transformation. Formally, the sculpture is a three dimensional line drawing floating in space that allows people to move through it creating a sense of compression as they enter the sculpture, safe enclosure while inside it, and release when they emerge from the end. The curving, organic and diaphanous form has been captured at the precise instant when its chrysalis has emerged but the cocoon is still intact.

Artista(s): Blessing Hancock, Joseph O'Connell (Creative Machines), Nina Borgia-Aberle

Bendición de Hancock, Joseph O'Connell (Máquinas creativas), Nina Borgia-Aberle, Cocoon, 2014.

Los artistas Blessing Hancock, Joseph O'Connell de Creative Machines y Nina Borgia-Aberle utilizaron acero inoxidable para crear una estructura cerrada representativa de un capullo. Los arcos de acero inoxidable cepillado reflejan el sol dando a la obra de arte una apariencia brillante que refleja los colores del cielo y el paisaje cercano, y crea un denso campo de sombras en el Cocoon y el área circundante.
Dimensiones: 16'9" alto x 17'0" ancho x 43'0" profundidad
Dirección: Houghton Road y Drexel Road (Houghton Road al sur de Drexel Road)
