Naturaleza del movimiento

The sculpture expands your attention by changing as you move through the space. As you approach, it has an inverted cone on one side and a series of vertical lines on the other. As you move past the piece, the cone unravels while the other side becomes a cone. Understanding how we inhabit the land and what our perspective does to our experience will help us be more perceptive.

Artista(s): Joshua Wiener

Joshua Wiener, Naturaleza del movimiento, 2015.

Jugando con ideas de perspectiva y percepción, el artista Joshua Weiner creó un dosel con aluminio, acero y hormigón. A medida que el espectador navega por el espacio, se le reta a considerar cómo interactúa con su entorno.
Dirección: Rillito Park (4502 N. 1st Ave.)
