Pasaje a través del tiempo

The theme that the neighborhood members incorporated for the tile designs is the Tucson desert as the home to people and wildlife. The community members will be able to come back anytime to find their tile."' Passage Way through Time" creates a safe passage across the parking lot and through a lifetime to come back to that spot again to find the tile they or their child made long ago.

Artista(s): Linda Haworth

Linda Haworth, Pasaje a través del tiempo, 1993.

Un conjunto de 8 bolardos de hormigón se alinean en un camino peatonal dentro de un estacionamiento. La artista Linda Haworth trabajó con miembros de la comunidad en el diseño de mosaicos insertados en los bolardos.
Dirección: McDonald District Park en Harrison Road al norte de Catalina Highway (4100 N. Harrison Rd.)
