Athena Solan Apodaca (Day 2)

Athena Solan Apodaca

About the Artist

I grew up in Maryland and had always known I would be an artist. Some things really are hard wired and all I can say is that I knew that to be true! My journey was one of independence, without support from my family. I learned to forge my own path with limited resources. I moved to Tucson, Arizona and completed my Bachelor's of Fine Arts in 2D Studio Art at the University of Arizona. Since graduation, I taught middle school art but later switched to a day job that afforded me the opportunity to have a studio space and continue my work as an artist.

How to Purchase

My work will be available for purchase in person. I accept cash, Venmo and Zelle.

About this Event

I will have work on display as part of the Steinfeld Warehouse Open Studio Tour. I will be in the Sidetrack gallery there. Artwork will be available for sale and I plan to have work in progress demonstrations as well.

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Other 2024 OST Events from this Artist

About the Studio

City of Tucson Ward: Ward 6
Pima County District: District 5

About the Art

About the Process

Athena Solan Apodaca's work shows patterns of human behavior and expresses the psychological relationships people have with their environments. Human intentions and behaviors are often difficult to decipher in a world defined by social norms and expectations. These visual entanglements act like narratives of rumination and its outcome. Athena's process focuses on mark making, layering and non-traditional applications of media to present alternative ways of looking at behavior patterns and routines. As a mixed media artist, Athena uses her sewing machine to encourage a consistent rhythm of permanent marks which is then interrupted by drawing, painting and disassembling. The fragmented landscapes, skeletal buildings or suggestions of garments, help the viewer to incorporate their own mental processes within the work.

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