Carrie Seid (Day 1)

Carrie Seid
she / her

About the Artist

Carrie Seid is a nationally recognized artist who exhibits her work in galleries all over the United States, and whose work is in the permanent collection of The Tucson Museum of Art. In addition to her fine art practice, Carrie has completed numerous public commissions in Arizona. Carrie received her BFA from the Rhode Island School of Design, and her MFA from Cranbrook Academy of Art, where she was a Merit Scholar. Carrie has taught at multiple universities around the United States, including The School of The Art Institute of Chicago, SUNY Buffalo, and The University of Arizona. For the last eleven years, Carrie Seid has been coaching other creative professionals through her coaching practice, Creative Catalyst Coaching.. In addition to helping creative people rid themselves of their fears and blocks, Carrie also works with corporate teams and leads seminars on creativity. Her speaking credits include two lectures for the National Creative Mornings series, The Creative Conference at the TENWEST festival in Tucson, and California State University at Long Beach. Carrie Seid recently had a large solo exhibition at Gallery 1871 in Chicago, Illinois. Seid lives and works in Tucson, Arizona, and Chicago, Illinois

How to Purchase

I will accept credit cards, Venmo payments, personal checks, and cash for purchases. I am also happy to discuss and plan commissions.

About this Event

I will open my home and studio to show both recent work, older work, and some work in progress. I will serve light refreshments. All are welcome.

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About the Studio

City of Tucson Ward: Ward 3
Pima County District: District 1

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