Dee Taube (Day 1)

Dee Taube
Primary Medium: Glass | Vidrio

About the Artist

I have always loved art, so while growing up I took all the art classes that were offered in school. I wanted to create art, not just appreciate it, but during my working career there never seemed to be enough time to do so. Somehow I found jewelry making and fell in love with it. It enabled me to work with color, design, and texture, it was a great stress-reliever, an outlet for my creativity, and it filled a void I hadn't realized I had. When I became a member of an artists' co-op in Colorado Springs, I was constantly admiring the work of the glass artists there, and one day one of them offered to teach me how to fuse glass. I was hooked. Creating fused glass art has taught me to appreciate all types of art even more than I did before. Making art is always a learning experience. And when everything goes right, the end result brings me joy and nurtures my soul, as I always hope it will for those who see my art. Being an artist is an ongoing journey. Each new piece helps me grow as an artist and a person. I love it.

How to Purchase

Cash preferred. Credit cards accepted.

Pricing Range

$1-$150, $151 - $500

About this Event

Visitors will see a working studio with all the tools and supplies required to make fused glass art. They will also see fused glass art works for sale.

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Other 2024 OST Events from this Artist

About the Studio

City of Tucson Ward: Ward 2
Pima County District: District 4

About the Art

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