Douglas Hall (Day 3)

Douglas Hall
His Excellency
Primary Medium: Sculpture | Escultura
Secondary Medium: Metal | Fiero

About the Artist

My art reflects my early and continuing studies in History (BA), Philosophy (MA), and Geology (Ph.D). The result is an aesthetic combining natural and physical processes with an awareness that we are human observers of these processes; the authors of their emotional and spiritual resonance for us. Nature is herself the most subtle sculptor, creating and destroying her own works. It is the flux rather than the stability in the life of an object or person that fascinates me. It is an abiding mystery that minds and objects come to be for a time and then cease to exist except in our own memories. I hope that my sculptures distill and concentrate that mystery for you.

How to Purchase

Cash and checks work just fine! No crypto or next of kin!!

About this Event

During the week our venue is an active metalworking facility and one of the most sophisticated in Arizona, producing both architectural and sculptural works.

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Other 2024 OST Events from this Artist

About the Studio

City of Tucson Ward: Ward 6
Pima County District: District 5

About the Art

About the Process

I enjoy working in steel and wood, sometimes combining the two media in one piece. Forged steel, dismantled industrial debris, and fire-scarred wood are particularly attractive to me since they each have a visible history of flame, deformation, and decay. These histories are literal aspects of the material’s initial and final states and serve as proxies for personal emotional histories. Rarely do materials and emotions behave in predictable ways. Often they impose their will on me more than I do on them.

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