Gavin Hugh Troy (Day 3)

Gavin Hugh Troy
Primary Medium: Painting | Pintura

About the Artist

Since childhood, being creative is a way of being, from building ramps and emptying swimming pools to ride skateboards in and on to photographing skateboarding in high school to graduating with a BFA in fine arts in 1995. Gavin has found and discovered the creative expression in all forms of being on this planet. Since that time of graduation, Gavin has produced and shown many paintings non stop in galleries, coffee shops and restaurants here in Arizona and in California. Since 1998 Gavin has been living and creating in the downtown arts district of Tucson, from riding the bike around, finding wood to make paintings on to finding new lines to ride on his skateboard to sketching and drawing , block printing and working with wood, Gavin enjoys all aspects of creativity. After graduating from art school, I began going within and learning more of spirit and awakening within oneself, the work became a reflection of this journey, both externally and internally. Inspired by stars, light, sound, the microcosm and the macrocosm and everything in between. The love of being creative and sharing this creativity is an essential part of being here.

How to Purchase

i accept all forms of payment, paper and digital from cash, check to Venmo, Zelle & paypal.

About this Event

Opening up the studio to share a vast amount of work, from paintings, watercolors, silkscreened prints to wood block colleges and bronze sculptures. Love opening up and sharing the work and the process. Possiable block printing demonstrations along with fresh organic snacks from our local Co-Op.

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Other 2024 OST Events from this Artist

About the Studio

City of Tucson Ward: Ward 6
Pima County District: District 5

About the Art

About the Process

The process is a continuous inflow and outflow receiving, processing and creating insight from the external world experiences, sounds, colors , stars, flowers, all the elements along with the inner experience, going within to the source and tapping into this ever flowing river. It is a dance, it is play, it is meditation , therepy , it becomes a way of giving and receiving.

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