Heather Bentz

Heather Bentz
Primary Medium: Painting | Pintura
Secondary Medium: Sculpture | Escultura

About the Artist

Heather Bentz was born in Pennsylvania in 1960 to parents who were artists and art educators. She was encouraged to draw and explore her creativity throughout her childhood. Bentz received her BFA in printmaking at Pennsylvania State University and MFA in painting from Montana State University. During her professional career she was assistant dean at two universities—College of Arts and Architecture at Montana State University and College of Visual and Performing Arts at University of Massachusetts Dartmouth. She taught courses on process, painting and drawing at the university and elementary level and worked for World Wildlife Fund and the National Museum for Women in the Arts cultivating major donor giving. In 2017 she was a Ucross fellow, and in 2022 received her first public art award. Bentz’s artwork is in numerous private and corporate collections and she continues to be dedicated to her studio art practice in Tucson, Arizona.
  • http://heatherbentz.com

How to Purchase

Cash, check, Venmo or Zelle

About this Tour

My studio is located in our home in the foothills of the Catalinas. A variety of works including paintings, sculpture and drawings will be on view and available for purchase. I will be working in my studio each day, as my energy and concentration allow, and visitors are encouraged to browse, ask questions and engage as desired. Light refreshments will be available.

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About the Studio

Heather Bentz Art Studio
5012 E Camino Alisa, Tucson, AZ 85718, USA

See all events at this studio.

Pima County District: District 1

About the Art

About the Process

My art crosses boundaries of painting, drawing and sculpture and is a physical record of how I see and process the world around me. Organizing and layering frenetic bits, I create imagery that has soul and an embedded history in its surface. The natural world serves as the source of my inspiration. Nature sparks my creativity. Process is at the heart of what I do. I work with my hands and use materials to explore content. I translate real-world observations of color, pattern, shapes and forms into organized impressions. As a formalist I care about design and composition. The result is contemporary, flora-based, colorful artifacts that hold memories of my experience.

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