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Explore Downtown Tucson Through Haiku Hike
The Haiku Hike literary competition and self-guided urban poetry hike has become one of Tucson’s signature “rites of spring,” signaling new beginnings and growth. This year’s theme is Serenity.
Presented by The Downtown Tucson Partnership (DTP) and the University of Arizona Poetry ...
Arts News
Current events, announcements, and news about the arts and artists of Tucson and Southern Arizona.

Community Foundation for Southern Arizona doubles impact of Pivot Grant with $25,000 matching grant

Exciting Changes for the Arts Foundation in 2020!

What We’re Learning/Reading – Working in Art

Speaking of Data Workshop // SMU DataArts

ARTISTORIES: Mele Martinez

Case Study: Insights from The Loft Cinema
Arts Calendar
A local arts calendar, including upcoming events, important dates, and deadlines.
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