Arlene Eisen

Arlene Eisen
Primary Medium: Painting | Pintura

About the Artist

Arlene Eisen—Landscape Painter I studied at the American Academy of Art in Chicago, Illinois. I have been painting the landscape for over 50 years. I painted watercolors for many years and then moved into digital art. In 2012, I began painting with water mixable oils. In the summer of 2014, I discovered painting knives—one of my favorite ways to paint. A few years ago, I began painting with pigment in hot wax (encaustics). I had a graphic and web design studio in San Francisco, Mill Valley, Petaluma, and Tucson until I retired in the Spring of 2024.  I live in a casita adjacent to the Tucson Racquet Club with my partner, Catherine Pearson, two cats and a dog (Spike, Buffy and Lucy).

How to Purchase

Cash, check or credit card payments are available through contacting me.

Pricing Range

$1-$150, $1001+, $151 - $500, $501 - $1000

About this Tour

I will be creating a new painting from start to finish during the 3-day event. I will be featuring new paintings from my Tucson Trails series.

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About the Studio

Arlene Eisen Studio
3935 N Country Club Rd #20A, Tucson, AZ 85716, USA

See all events at this studio.


About the Art

About the Process

Artistic Process: I paint the landscape in oils. Painting with knives forces me to be more expressive and freer. Surfaces are covered quickly with broad, bold strokes. Knives add texture and dimension to the painted canvas. Colors are thick and pure. The statement is swift, fresh and vital.   I love painting in nature (plein air). When I pick a spot—squeeze out my color palette and start to paint—my world changes. It simply makes me happy to be out there. Painting in nature requires much quicker interpretations of the selected landscape. The light changes often demanding quick actions to capture the the lighting and colors of the landscape. I like painting 9x12 panels and pretty much can do a complete painting in 2-2.5 hours. I rarely touch the painting once inside my studio except to varnish it when it is dry. Studio painting is mostly what I do during the hot months. Less knife painting and more brushwork. My studio work is much more defined but still impressionistic. My intention when painting is to provide the viewer with a sense of standing or walking in the painted landscape. and sharing the experience of the tranquility I feel when in nature. I look forward to sharing my art with you during the 2024 Open Studios Tour.

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