About the Process
(Erika) I love all things glass. I will jump around doing different projects. Sometimes I just buy glass, because of the color & texture , not knowing what I will do with . Sometimes glass sheets will just sit on my shelf for years. Then I will pick something-- i.e. suncatchers ~ hearts? birds? I go to my glass pile and create my objects, I will find the perfect combo of glass that just "fits".. Sometimes I will go into Duane's shop, find a metal object, that I think will make a great suncatcher, I add glass or other doo-dads (we save everything!) , add a chain, and hook~ walla! something unique and cool. Sometimes Duane will have an idea for an animal (i.e. an owl) , he makes the body and feet. I will cook (fuse glass) a bunch of "eyes".. We then will pick out which set work the best. We are truly different personalities. But both of us get excited about creating new things. We don't always agree on what looks the best, but we always appreciate each others opinions. He is always willing to supply any metal material , and I contribute from my glass collection to his projects. We especially enjoy custom work. Sometimes a client will specify a certain metal material, certain characters, special functioning objects. So fun when clients put something together in their heads and we are able to build it for them! Everybody is happy!