Dawn-Starr Crowther

Dawn-Starr Crowther
Secondary Medium: Painting | Pintura

About the Artist

What Persists? This question is at the heart of my art making. From moment-to-moment in thought, sensation, and experience; to what persists when we die; to what persists over decades, centuries and millennia. Things aggregate—and fall apart—and yet we experience a kind of continuity. What is it that persists? Strongly influenced by my love of all things botanical, my decades-long meditation practice, and my past work as an archeologist, this question resonates through every aspect of my being. I love the physical act of mark-making, layering cold wax or acrylics, and working with the torch and molten wax in encaustic. Combining these media with oils, drawings, photographs, photocopies, monotypes, ink, pencil, charcoal, watercolor and found objects, I work in multiple layers. Digging into or scraping back layers of medium to expose traces of past moments are surprising and delightful in how they reveal themselves. The generation of these artworks is a way for me to fuse the different aspects of my life into beautiful objects that help awaken and focus my devotional practices, and my aspiration to be an agent of compassion and kindness in the world. I hope my work brings ease, joy, peace and inspiration to viewers.
  • https://www.dawnstarrcrowther.art/

How to Purchase

Accepted forms of payment: cash, Square (using your credit card or debit card), Venmo, Paypal.

Pricing Range

$1-$150, $151 - $500, $501 - $1000

About this Tour

During Open Studios, I will be demonstrating multiple media over the three days including: encaustic (pigment-infused molten wax fused with a torch), monotype printing with Gelli plates and found objects, Cyanotype printing (a non-silver photographic process using the sun) and bookmaking/binding. On display and for sale are mixed media paintings, collage-based works, encaustic works, hand-made books, and photographic works.

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About the Studio

Dawn-Starr Crowther Studio
5750 W Placita Del Risco, Tucson, AZ 85745, USA

See all events at this studio.

Pima County District: District 3

About the Art

About the Process

I work in multiple media, always prompted by the question "What persists?" I'm a magpie--I love to collect the discarded, worn out, overlooked and ephemeral remnants of human activity. Old papers, photographs, faded & worn fabric, stones and plastic bits washed smooth by seawater, dried pods and seeds or bits of rusty metal, all are sources of inspiration, and often are incorporated into my mixed media pieces. These remnants of human behaviors form the path of investigation, query and reflection. I'm also deeply influenced by my decades as a meditation practitioner/teacher. I like open spaces: places where thought can wander, and finally, come to rest in the quiet spaciousness of being. A favorite medium is Encaustic--a medium demanding complete attention—hot wax and palettes, flames and heat guns ensure that I am sharp and focused, yet relaxed. Watching the colors glisten, run, and then harden as they cool is fascinating. Scraping back wax to reveal lower layers reveals hidden jewels of color and texture. And the very physical act of inscribing, rasping or scratching the surface carries a calculated risk—one wayward slip and the entire painting can be ruined. I'm now experimenting printmaking using encaustic collotypes. A new passion is working with Gelli plates, making monotypes that frequently carry the impressions of found objects. These are incorporated into mixed media pieces, or as works that stand alone. I like that I don't know what the print will be until it is pulled off the plate. I love processes where the outcome isn't guaranteed and is a dance with materials--asking what they want to be, and learning how to cooperate with that. Inspired by living among my Saguaro neighbors in the Tucson Mountains, my newest series contemplates the internal life of these magnificent beings and how they might experience their lives.

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