Elisabeth Geel

Elisabeth Geel
Primary Medium: Painting | Pintura

About the Artist

Elisabeth Geel is a self-taught artist who expresses herself through painting, comics, music, and writing. She was born in the Netherlands and spent over thirty years in Italy, where she worked as an illustrator, fine artist, and musician. In 2015, she chose Tucson as her home. As a vocalist/guitarist, she toured the world and recorded four solo albums. Music is a recurring theme in her art, a world vibrating with color, humor, and subtle provocations. She works in oil, acrylic, watercolor, and mixed media. Elisabeth Geel is strongly influenced by Surrealism and Folk Art.
  • http://elisabethgeel.com

How to Purchase

Visitors can purchase art directly from me.

Pricing Range

$1-$150, $1001+, $151 - $500, $501 - $1000, Exhibiting / Performing

About this Tour

During both Open Studio days, I will be available for Q&A about my art and my work as a singer-songwriter/recording artist. Light refreshments will be offered.

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All Events for this Artist

About the Studio

Elisabeth Geel's Studio
7243 E Camino Vecino, Tucson, AZ 85715, USA

See all events at this studio.

City of Tucson Ward: Ward 2
Pima County District: District 4

About the Art

About the Process

I consider myself a Surrealist. Through my art I connect with my unconscious mind and express whatever irrational and fantastic image presents itself. When I make a sketch I follow a lead from some other universe, the way the Surrealists practiced automatic writing because I don't want reality, or my common perception, to be in the way of my creativity. Later on in the creative process, the image may amalgamate with how my conscious mind perceives reality. I compare it to digging in the ground and hitting an undefined object. While digging deeper it crystallizes and I go, "Ah! So that's what it's not..." I aim for the form to be a mere symbol or reflection of something familiar. When I see that somewhere along the line the story becomes predictable, I quickly change course and steer it back into the world of the absurd, so that the creatures and objects remain mere symbols. I work in oil, acrylic, watercolor, and mixed media.

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