Elizabeth Criger

Elizabeth Criger
Primary Medium: Painting | Pintura
Secondary Medium: Photography | Fotografía

About the Artist

Elizabeth Criger is an American mixed media artist and has devoted her life to the pursuit of creativity and making. She is known for her adaptable and dynamic artistic style, which reflects her mercurial nature. When creating art, she follows her instincts and allows the artwork's natural flow to guide its development. This commitment to honoring the flow of creation has resulted in a diverse and captivating body of art. Elizabeth is recognized as a maker, exhibitor, curator, juror, and co-founder. Additionally, she played a significant role in the establishment of the 9th Street Studio collective. Her studio is located at the Steinfeld Warehouse, 101 W 6th Street in downtown Tucson, AZ. Elizabeth's artwork has been featured in exhibitions across the country and is showcased in numerous private collections.
  • http://www.elizabethcriger.com

How to Purchase

To purchase artwork, I accept cash (cash is queen), credit cards and debit cards. I also accept payments via Zelle.

Pricing Range

$1001+, $151 - $500, $501 - $1000

About this Tour

My studio, located in the south bay of the Steinfeld Community Arts Center, will be open to the public for viewing and purchasing artwork.

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All Events for this Artist

About the Studio

Elizabeth Criger Art Studio
101 W 6th St, Tucson, AZ 85701, USA

See all events at this studio.

City of Tucson Ward: Ward 1
Pima County District: District 5

About the Art

About the Process

I view the act of creating art as a form of meditation, and I approach my painting practice with a spirit of exploration. Through this process, I am often surprised by what develops. I consider my paintings as subconscious messages to myself, that may resonate on a more universal level. I typically start with a color, emotion, or technique that I want to delve into. Using water-based mixed media such as pastels, watercolors, acrylic paints, or ink on board, paper, or canvas, I allow my thoughts and images to manifest on the surface, using whatever medium I feel is fitting for that peice. My work is influenced by everything around me, and I believe that as I go through life, all experiences become part of my subconscious, and whatever needs to be expressed will emerge when given the opportunity.

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