Makoto Takigawa

Makoto Takigawa
Primary Medium: Painting | Pintura

About the Artist

My cultural background, where appreciation of nature is integrated in everyday life, combined with years of paleontological work further developed my sense of closeness with and ideas about nature. My inspirations arise from observations made while in natural surroundings. I explores time's progression, endless movements, simplicity and complexity of nature through my brush strokes and colors while focusing on the visceral aspect of the imagery. I hopes to create images where the viewers experience their personal connection to nature through my paintings.

How to Purchase

check, cash and major credit cards

Pricing Range

$1001+, $151 - $500, $501 - $1000

About this Tour

I will be showing my studio/gallery to the visitors and answer any questions they might have regarding my art making process.

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About the Studio

Takigawa Studio
8325 E Colette St, Tucson, AZ 85710, USA

See all events at this studio.


About the Art

About the Process

My inspirations arise from observations made while in natural surroundings. I usually have certain images or color schemes in mind before I start painting. But soon after I begin, my intuition takes over and becomes its own process. I tend to focus on the visceral aspect of the imagery.

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