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About the Artist

I live and work in an adobe home, studio, and courtyard/gallery I built myself, by hand, in downtown Tucson. I have lived in this home for over 40 years, putting down roots, raising a family, living in place much as my barrio neighbors have for generations. I have learned the names of the plants, the animals, the stones and the watersheds of my homeland, have studied the light and the changing seasons. My art is about this place, an affirmation of life in one place on earth: the Sonoran Desert Bioregion. This land is like nowhere else on earth, it's flora and fauna, it's clouds and waters, it's trees, winds, storms, in short, the spirit of this place is my subject matter. I make all my prints myself, by hand, nothing printed by someone else. I will have available for purchase pigment prints on paper, mixed media prints direct printed on a gessoed paint surface hand applied to copper, stainless steel and aluminum sheets, as well as mesquite, eucalyptus and oak sculptures. Sizes range from 4x5 inches to 6x10 feet, from loose prints that you can frame to finished pieces ready to hang, and prices range from $60 to $6000.
  • williamlesch.com

How to Purchase

Accept cash, venmo, paypal, and velle. Good discount for cash sales. No check or credit card sales.

Pricing Range

$1-$150, $1001+, $151 - $500, $501 - $1000, Exhibiting / Performing

About this Tour

Work will be on exhibit in courtyard weather permitting and in the studio and artist will be available to show prints in portfolios in studio

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About the Studio

William Lesch Studio
426 S Otero Ave, Tucson, AZ 85701, USA

See all events at this studio.


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