Yovannah Diovanti

Yovannah Diovanti
Her, she, they, them
Primary Medium: Painting | Pintura
Secondary Medium: Ceramic | Cerámica

About the Artist

I was born in Guadalajara Jalisco Mexico but grew up in Tucson, Arizona. I graduated from the University of Arizona with a degree in Spanish Translation and Interpretation, and Linguistics but, my true passion has always been art. My art, mainly figurative, is influenced by both my Mexican culture and the culture of the southwest and its border towns. I love to paint in bright bold colors because it speaks to who I am as a person. Including heart and soul in the process as I paint plays and important role in my work. I am self-taught but, even though I have been painting for 24 years now, I consider that my journey has been a long learning experience in the art world. My painting subjects are often children and women. I use expressionism to create whimsical and warm images thought which I tell my stories. I often refer to my paintings as "chunks of love" because they come from deep inside of me. I go from doing oil paintings, to creating ceramic wares and garden ornaments, to working with wood, tin, or other mediums-basically I give the heart what it wants.

How to Purchase

You will have an opportunity to purchase works of art in location. We accept cash, Zelle, Venmo. If you can't make it but see something you like, we can make arrangements for you to schedule a visit.

Pricing Range

$1-$150, $151 - $500, $501 - $1000

About this Tour

Casa Diovanti will be opening its doors. Please join us as I exhibit my most recent works of art. Learn about what drives my passion and enjoy this unique space. Bring your friends, family, make it a date and come enjoy a live-in workspace that screams color, light, love and joy. I will be showing paintings, and offering prints, utilitarian art such as ceramic wares and ceramic garden ornaments, post cards, and bookmarks, for sale in case you want to buy a special piece. Light refreshments and drinks. Free to enter

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About the Studio

Casa Diovanti-Art by Yovannah Diovanti
1250 S 4th Ave #120, Tucson, AZ 85713, USA

See all events at this studio.

City of Tucson Ward: Ward 1
Pima County District: District 2

About the Art

About the Process

My artistic process consists of large size canvas and acrylic. I usually paint out of my studio with classical music alone. My main inspiration comes from children. I like to tell stories through my art so each painting tends to have a story attached to it. The latest series of works is being created focused on energy and spirituality. The work is bright, bold and it seeks to awaken your spirit.

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