Picture Rocks Mosaics

Picture Rocks is a rural community primarily centered around two schools (Desert Winds Elementary and Picture Rocks Intermediate), a community center, and a community pool/ skate park. The Picture Rocks Safe Routes to School Project created sidewalks and walking paths so kids could safely walk to school and their recreational areas. The community wanted art that would unite these main areas together- art that would guide local kids from place to place and art that would beautify the empty spaces between places. I created glass marble mosaics to show the way.

Artist(s): Robin Riley

Robin Riley, Picture Rocks Mosaics, 2011.

Incorporated in sidewalk channels, artist Robin Riley depicts desert wildlife using glass marbles. The mosaics are meant to act as guiding markers for community children as they travel to and from school.
Address: Sanders Rd. & Rudasill Rd.

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