Elizabeth Criger

Elizabeth Criger is an American mixed media painter. She lives and works in Tucson, AZ
About Elizabeth Criger

Elizabeth Criger has spent a life pursuing the joy of making. Midwife to the Muses. Her flexible and changing style capture her mercurial nature. She embraces the new and will unabashedly change style or medium allowing the piece to dictate it's own direction. This dedication to following the bidding of the work has lead to a diverse and engaging body of work. She has been described as a maker, exhibitor, curator, juror and co-founder.
And, things perhaps better left unsaid. She helped birth the 9th Street Studio collective.
Her current studio is at the Steinfeld Warehouse in downtown Tucson, AZ.
She has been in exhibitions across the country and is in many private collections.


Mixed media on board, 36″ x 24″


Mixed media painting on canvas 48″ x 48″

Map To My Studio
Follow This Map to My Studio! Come Find Me In The South Bay Through the Steinfeld Gallery, Then Courtyard!
Español de México