Geneva Foster Gluck

My practice draws from the overlapping features of performance, creative research, and material storytelling to explore a range of topics and experiences, often grounded in decolonizing, feminist, and ecological approaches.
About Geneva Foster Gluck

My creative process begins with making objects that function somewhere between theatrical props and tools for knowledge-sharing, these objects then appear alongside live performances, installations, and video.
In 2006 I founded Sugar Beast Circus a production platform for interdisciplinary collaborations between circus performers and new technologies. Sugar Beast Circus toured multiple works in the UK, EU and US. As well as held artist residency positions at the Camden Round House in London, UK; Blast Theory Creations Space in Hove, UK; and La Brèche Circus Center in Normandy, FR.
In 2020 I completed a practice-led Ph.D. dissertation titled Performing the Electrical or My Heart is an Electromagnetic Chamber: Scenographies of Power, Ecology, and Speculative Practice. My research and teaching integrates Performance Studies, Spatial Theory and Energy Humanities to consider the ways that new knowledge is created and shared through artist led projects. I am currently co-founder of Snakebite Creation Space, a platform for supporting performance, installation, and process-based work in the borderlands.

Geneva Foster Gluck
Preferred Pronouns: she/her

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