Elizabeth Frank

About Elizabeth Frank

Arizona based artist Elizabeth Frank feels a communion with trees. It began in her early years spent exploring the outdoors. From ages nine through eleven her family lived in Olympia, Washington. There the rainforests near her home became her sanctuary. Now she visits the forests of Northern Arizona or New Mexico to gather aspen for her carvings.

A native of the desert southwest she grew up sixty miles from the US/Mexico border. Her father, a social worker, worked part time in a border community. Her family often visited Mexico. As a young adult she explored the country more thoroughly. One such trip led to studies in language and sculpture in San Miguel de Allende, Mexico. The art and culture of Mexico continue to inspire her.

After receiving a Bachelor of Fine Arts from Arizona State University Frank worked for several years in the film industry. On her jobs buying for and decorating sets she enjoyed transforming spaces to create believable locations. The quest to find the perfect objects to help propel a narrative ignited her love of found things. She now incorporates this same quest into her creative process.

Tree Spirit
Rumi the Raven- Animal Spirits Series
Journey of the Hawk People-Migration Series

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