Curtis Alan Kiwak’s Open Studio at the Art & Design Center on Grant Road

Curtis Alan Kiwak’s Open Studio at the Art & Design Center on Grant Road
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Curtis Alan Kiwak’s Open Studio at the Art & Design Center on Grant Road

Come visit me Curtis Alan Kiwak, on Saturday, April 29th. My art studio will be open to the public from 10 am to 4 pm.  There is easy accessible parking in the front of the building. The address is 3778 e Grant Rd. It’s located midtown in the Palo Verde Neighborhood. The building was once the home to the Wicker Design Center, but was converted to artist studios through WAMO. The Art Design Center on Grant Road, which is supported by WAMO and it currently houses 15 artists. You may find those other artists participating on different days of Open Studio on the Art Directory of the Art Foundation Website. All artwork is available for purchase as well.

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