Judith Johnson (Day 3)

Judith Johnson
Primary Medium: Painting | Pintura

About the Artist

Painting and drawing have been a part of my life for as long as I remember. In the spring of 1973, I graduated from Western Michigan University with a Bachelor of Fine Arts. During the fall of 1988 I studied monotype printmaking under the guidance of New York Artist Richard Linz. This exciting new medium got me involved again in making art after a hiatus from raising young children. The printmaking studio was in an old barn on a beautiful, wooded property. I often took my plates outside and painted the local landscape. After moving to Tucson, I felt the need to change mediums to accomplish what I wanted to say about the landscape. After a brief stint with acrylics, I switched to water-soluble oils. I no longer wanted to deal with solvents. I eventually found my tribe, Sonoran Plein Air Painters. My paintings have been accepted in SPAP juried shows and in other local juried shows.
  • judithjohnsonart.blogspot.com

How to Purchase

Square, PayPal, Zelle and cash available at the studio

About this Event

My studio will be open and presenting my recent paintings. I will also have my plein air equipment set up.

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Other 2024 OST Events from this Artist

About the Studio

Pima County District: District 1

About the Art

About the Process

I paint on location which is often called Plein Air. I paint in water-soluble oils on small panels. I also paint larger pieces in the studio using my small field studies as inspiration.

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