Looking for local artists? The artist listings are still available In the ArtS Directory!

Jan 6, 2021 | Arts Foundation Programs, Grants

Thanks to everyone who participated during Open Studio Tours Online!

Even though the event is over, the Open Studio Tours website will remain updated with information about the artists who participated. Navigate the Artist Listings to see examples of each artist’s artwork and workspaces — and connect with your favorites to purchase art and create lasting connections with some of the talented and creative artists of Southern Arizona.

  • A total of 95 artists were represented with a diverse range of artistic mediums, disciplines, and techniques!
  • Check out each listing to discover more about each artist through images, videos, and text.
  • Connect directly with local artists (via email, phone, social media) and learn how to purchase their incredible art at the bottom of each artist listing.

Continue to support our local artists and the amazing work that they do here.

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