The Legend of the Seven Cities of Cibola
These murals depict, in chronological order, the Spanish expedition headed by Coronado to locate seven legendary cities of fabulous riches. These seven cities were reputed to lie north of Mexico and were believed to be part of ancient Cathay. The legendary cities provided impetus for the exploration of the surrounding Sonoran desert.
Art Form: Mural
Location: Downtown
Collection(s): Private
In the beginning, we see Estevan, a scout who was sent ahead to confirm the legends, listening to tales of the legendary cities by Indian medicine men. The planning of the expedition and the expedition itself are shown next. About one thousand men were actually sent forth and proceeded as far north as present-day Kansas. The panel of the march into unknown territory illustrates the hardships, adventures, and battles as well as the dreams of glory which spurred the men on. One of the last panels depicts the dejected Spaniards after battle as they realize that the seven golden cities are only a dream.
Address: Wells Fargo Bank (150 N Stone Ave.) Main Lobby
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