We are excited to share a new article published by the Tucson Sentential featuring our very own, Sadie Shaw!
Arts Foundation, Pima County Health Department working together on public art about pandemic
TucsonSentinel.comA new program called SaludArte will be an opportunity for Pima County residents to reflect their experiences during the COVID-19 pandemic, and will be led to Sadie Shaw, a local artist and member of the TUSD Governing Board.
Shaw will oversee the project as the new community design manager for the Arts Foundation for Tucson and Southern Arizona.
Shaw said has been volunteering for the Arts Foundation “for years.” Plus, she has had experiences as an activist and community advocate that have prepared her for the work she’ll be doing for the nonprofit group.
SaludArte is a partnership between the organization and the Pima County Health Department.
In addition to incorporating the stories of Tucson-area residents, the project will also “select local artists to create interpretative representations of those experiences and co-coordinate a countywide cultural health and wellness fair upon the arts’ completion.”
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