We are thrilled to announce that Sadie Shaw has joined Arts Foundation team as the Community Design Manager!
In her role as Community Design Manager, Sadie will lead SaludArte, a new private public partnership between Pima County Health Department (PCHD) and the Arts Foundation, funded by three grants the PCHD received related to health equity and the COVID-19 pandemic. Sadie will co-create and implement project plans for the SaludArte project in partnership with PCHD, a human-centered design (HCD) consultant and local community-based organizations to: convene communities that were disproportionately affected by the COVID-19 pandemic, capture the stories of their experience, select local artists to create interpretative representations of those experiences, and co-coordinate a countywide cultural health and wellness fair upon the arts’ completion.
Sadie Shaw was born and raised in Tucson, Arizona, and earned her BFA in Art & Visual Culture Education from the University of Arizona in 2019. Sadie is an artist, art educator, oral historian, community organizer and Governing Board Member of the Tucson Unified School District.
Her studio practice, community advocacy and political activism have merged into a sociopolitical platform that challenges institutional racism, underlying cultural inequities and the systems and policies that perpetuate these conditions. Her art practice of digital, print and media-based installations echo her drive for justice, equity, diversity and inclusion. She applies this same energy while advocating for the arts, neighborhoods, and the people of Tucson.

Image courtesy of Sadie Shaw