High Ground

Per the title, œHigh Ground, the sculpture celebrates the function of the Arroyo Chico Multi Use Project. The constructed basins essentially lift the adjoining neighborhoods above the threat of flood waters. The sculpture gives form to the gesture of this lifting to high ground. The kinetic component of the piece moves with the wind direction, thus making a connection to the weather, which is the potential source of flooding.

Artist(s): John Davis

John Davis, High Ground, 2013.

Composed of carbon steel, two vessel forms stand elevated on stems, with a long arm sweeping upward to support a wind vane. The sculpture by artist John Davis is meant to mimic the gesture of lifting.
Dimensions: 12'h x 12'w x 10'd
Address: 14th Street and Santa Rita Ave (Arroyo Chico, northeast of 14th Street and Santa Rita Avenues)

Español de México