Michael A. Perry Memorial Park Corner Market

The 16-foot baseball bat and ball and glove held by the tortoise represent the little league fields of the park. The jackrabbit is holding a basketball representing the parks basketball courts. The stack of geometric shapes not only provides colorful signage spelling œPARK but also is reminiscent of childrens alphabet blocks; these were included to represent the childrens play equipment of the park. The animals (tortoise and hare) represent Aesops Fable and are fun desert critters, especially big!

Artist(s): Jason Butler, Hirotsune Tashima, Youth

Jason Butler, Hirotsune Tashima, Youth, Michael A. Perry Memorial Park Corner Market, 2011.

Artists Jason Butler and Hirotsune Tashima depict a realistic tortoise and jackrabbit in exaggerated proportions using steel, stucco, cement, and ceramics. The animal duo is whimsical in nature, appearing to be preparing to play a variety of sports in the park.
Address: Golf Links Road & Pantano Parkway

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