Randy Colosky

About Randy Colosky

The visual language of my work is formal, material and process based. I strive to set up a visual polarity of what is familiar and unfamiliar as a way to engage the viewer about time passing and the continuous state of change in nature both on a human and geologic timescale.

My intent is to create work that has layers of visual data that can unfold in the present as well as over time. I look for ways to transform universal concepts from nature, technology, history, and personal experience into a formal geometric language of shape, color, pattern and form. In the ways I need art in my life, I want to offer opportunities for people to momentarily step out of their routine, engage in the present moment and contemplate the physicality of the world.

Bridge and Tunnel

Engineered ceramic

Turbulence 2

Acrylic on wood panel coated with sanded surfboard epoxy, 72 x 48 inches

Ice Wall
Refrigeration unit, freon, copper pipe, aluminum tube

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