Alan Ruiz Berman

I am a Mexican and American Artist who is deeply inspired by our Sonoran Desert ecosystem and its natural and cultural heritage. My eclectic art practice focuses on telling the story of our relationship to the natural world.
About Alan Ruiz Berman

I am a Mexican and American Artist who is deeply inspired by our Sonoran Desert ecosystem and its natural and cultural heritage - a region where I have lived and worked for over eight years. My multi-faceted and wholistic art-practice focuses on telling the story of the natural world, and our relationship to it, as individuals and as a society. I believe this story is best shared by carefully observing the forms, patterns, colors, and cycles that are ever present all around us, and by listening carefully to the wisdom of traditional caretakers. My work is inseparable from my appreciation of the place where I live, study, and work to advocate for reciprocity with nature and with one another, mindfulness, community science, and environmental justice activism, by first establishing my own deep connection to place.

Alan Ruiz
Preferred Pronouns: he/him
Ridley and The Feeding Fiesta

Fine Art Paper Collage, 2017

Ceremonia en Punta Chueca

Fine Art Paper & Mixed Media Collage, 2011

Body of Water
Original Photographic Print & Poem

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Español de México