Rachel Nelson

Rachel Nelson
Primary Medium: Painting | Pintura

About the Artist

Rachel Nelson, originally from Kansas City, Missouri, received a Master's Degree in Counseling and Art Therapy from Avila University in 2011 and went on to complete post-graduate work to obtain art therapy registration (ATR) by the Art Therapy Credentialing Board in 2013. She has been a part of Steinfeld Warehouse Community Art Center in the Warehouse Arts District of downtown Tucson, AZ since 2016 and was previously a part of Ninth Street Studios Artist Collective nearby. Rachel spends equal amounts of time with encaustic medium and acrylic/ mixed media. Her work is influenced by lyrical abstraction and is intuitive and meditative in nature. Rachel's art-making process has been vital to her deep inner work and individuation.

How to Purchase

Find a piece you like and purchase directly from me in my studio. I accept venmo, credit card, cash, and zelle.

Pricing Range

$1-$150, $1001+, $151 - $500, $501 - $1000

About this Tour

Visit my studio inside the Steinfeld Warehouse to see artwork and where I work with encaustic medium (maybe even catch a live demonstration) and abstract acrylic painting. Some of my studio neighbors will be open as well. Studio J is located all the way down the main hallway on the right.

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All Events for this Artist

About the Studio

Rachel Nelson Studio J, Steinfeld Warehouse
1202 E Alta Vista St #2, Tucson, AZ 85719, USA

See all events at this studio.

City of Tucson Ward: Ward 1
Pima County District: District 5

About the Art

About the Process

My main interest is in experimenting with how far I can let go of control in the process of making art and still be met with something interesting. Abstract art gives me complete freedom to explore who I am, what I am, and where I want to go without limitations or structure (although I do develop my own internal structures). Making small, seemingly insignificant decisions such as what colors to put down and in what form develop me as a person and strengthen my sense of style, taste, and resolve. Intuitive creating takes trust in the unfoldment of the process. On a good day, my work is play and finding that playful energy that can lead to surprise and delight. On other days, art reflects and mimics life and my emotional state, which I find to be helpful. I attempt to harness the infinite power and mystery that creating involves, experimenting with media such as: encaustic, acrylic, collage elements, inks, and whatever is lying around the studio. Building layers, creating textures, playing with color all excite me and I find endless possibility in combining media. Having new experiences with the materials and making artwork that I am not sure how to replicate is what keeps me interested and wanting to do more. Ultimately, my aim is to create authentic artwork rather than planning out a series. Sometimes it naturally comes out as a series, but I have learned not to try and force my process to be something my mind thinks would look nice.

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