
These poems are pages from a chapbook I'm writing that highlight the culmination and trauma of being in a relationship where narcissistic abuse is present, and the healing that comes afterwards.
About Eve

I believe that we are constituted by the relationships and ties we share with the people in our life. Without the people around us we are enigmatic to ourselves. This is why I believe it’s important to be able to identify and end, or at least distance ourselves whenever possible from unhealthy relationships. After exiting out of an unstable and toxic 6-month relationship, I became disillusioned from myself due to the ramifications from the narcissistic abuse. This kind of relationship is difficult to grapple with because in the beginning it is almost picture perfect and magical. Writing poetry has served as great outlet that’s helped me work through the confusion and climb out of the box that relationship had put me in. I hope my poems can be a reminder for people currently in unstable or unhealthy relationships that we have the agency to disengage and leave these abusive relationships the first time around.

Preferred Pronouns: she/her
Part I: Love Notes from a Lost Tomorrow
Us in a Hologram (03/22/2023)

Part I: Love Notes from a Lost Tomorrow- Love Bomb Ascent.

Part II: The Denouement

Part II: The Denouement- Trauma Descent

Part II: The Denouement
Part II: The Denouement- Trauma Descent

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