Mata Ruda
My studio practice pays particular attention to absence, loss, and transformation.
Category: Artist/Individual
Discipline: Visual arts
Program Affiliations: SaludArte

About Mata Ruda
Mata Ruda (aka Karlito Miller Espinosa) was born in San Jose, Costa Rica and moved to the USA when he was 12. He is an artist who creates paintings, public murals, objects, and installations informed by the direct relationship between capitalism and the structuring role violence plays in its preservation. His studio practice pays particular attention to the absence, loss, and transformations motivated by the inherent contradictions embedded within the social structures of society.

Oil on canvas, 48x60"
The memory of this moment will haunt me forever, a tropical moon, a sleepy lagoon, and you...

Wood stain on Saltillo Tiles, 16x16”
Aqui Me Tienes

Wood stain on Saltillo Tiles, 8x8"
Saltillo Tiles Titles: El Eco Siempre Resuena & Lejos De Aqui