UrbanRock Design

UrbanRock Design has a practice of built and speculative public projects and that range from two- three- and four- dimensional integrated artworks to environmental designs and architecture.
About UrbanRock Design

UrbanRock Design is an art and design studio with Jeanine Centuori, FAIA, and Russell Rock. We work between art and design—this interdisciplinary focus enables us to easily interface with arts and construction professionals. We work in an integrated manner, with both of us creating concepts, images, and production documents. Jeanine is a registered architect and visual artist; Russell is an artist with urban design work experience. Our collaboration has spanned twenty years now. The practice is located at the Brewery Arts Complex near downtown Los Angeles.

Jeanine Centuori
Preferred Pronouns: she / her
Public Art for Columbus State Community College

This gateway sculpture honors education and the community at Columbus State Community College. Two complementary
arcs address concepts of learning and living together.

Public Art Pavilion for Edith Moulton Park in Kirkland, WA
Wrap House

This park folly references the former homestead site of Edith Moulton at this community park location.  Evoking a lightweight sketch of the outlines of an iconic house form, the piece alternates between solid and void.

Temporary Public Art (series of 6 pieces) for Santa Monica, CA
Site Lines
This project locates nine elements along the Third Street Promenade, a walking street in Santa Monica, with an overlaid physical drawing. When the viewer is in alignment with the piece, it forms a drawing of the three-dimensional object. These nine drawing plates present elements from the site in a playful and engaged way.

Public Artist Art Roster

Español de México