Eulalie Brown, Frogworks Design

About Eulalie Brown, Frogworks Design

Eulalie Brown
Growing up on Long Island in New York gave me access to many exciting opportunities. My experiences include studying art at Parson’s School of Design. I earned my BA in Art Education from C.W. Post College on Long Island. I have an MA in Special Education from the University of Colorado at Colorado Springs. I have taught for many years. Now I am a happy painter in Vail Arizona.
Color, shape, and texture dominate my images. I like to explore the arrangement of shapes and space that come together in composition. My acrylic and mixed media works are painted in layers to create depth and interest on the finished surface. I want the viewer to come into the painting and develop their own relationship with the artwork. Art is expression, communication, for me. I want to strike an emotional chord in the viewer.
My watercolor paintings depict times and places personal to me. I am a Saguaro Fellow in the Southern Arizona Watercolor Guild and enjoy painting both outdoors and in the studio.

Preferred Pronouns: She/Her
Earth and Sky
Silent Spaces

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About the Process

C2Change is a mixed media piece on canvas.The painting started with layering letters that became veiled words bringing the viewer into the painting. I considered calling it “Change is Good for the Soul” but I wanted the viewer to work a little harder.I like the process of flowing paint on canvas or paper and building up layers with mixed media.
I used a layered technique in the watercolor painting Roses. First, I wet the paper and dropped in warm colors, letting them flow into loose petal shapes. This is a very organic style. Then I added the cool greens for the leaf colors. After drying, I used the same colors and negatively painted (paint outside) around the roses and leaves.
This is Moran Point in the Grand Canyon. I started this as a drawing on location. I then used inks to define the shapes. I like to let linework create movement and depth in my paintings. I then paint with wet watercolors on dry paper to give form to the shapes.

How to Purchase

Please email me directly or call me if you are interested in a piece. Check my website for full information about an image. I accept payment through PayPal or accept cash or checks. There is an additional charge for shipping. You are welcome to visit my studio by appointment to look at or pick up a piece of artwork.

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