Nina Fickett Designs

About Nina Fickett Designs

Art was always a huge part of my childhood, but my deep dive with art didn’t occur until I went to college. My father was an artists and his medium was wood, and he had his own gallery where he worked in the art industry full time. I grew up believing I wasn’t artistic yet was a great lover of all things art. When I went to college I discovered my inner artist and graduated with a Bachelor of Fine Arts in Visual Communications or as it is known today Graphic Design.

Since graduating I have gone through many versions of my current self. I have dabbled in scrapbooking, designing my own line of acrylic stamps as well as teaching. Over the years as I explored with art I discovered my love of Abstract Mixed Media and TEXTURE! My interests are too vast to be pigeonholed into one medium making Mixed Media perfect for me. I am making my way back to teaching after doing extensive learning. Sometimes I feel older than dirt but teaching is where my passion lies. It allows me to take what I know and share it with others. I love helping others begin to see their potential when they don’t realize it themselves.

Preferred Pronouns: She/Her
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